Technology and innovations
The guiding principle of AMIBIT's operation and growth are innovations, resulting from our own knowledge and development and which we pass on to customers with each project as part of our own solutions. We have formed a research group "AMIBIT RR", which is responsible for continuous development of solutions.

Our controller is designed on the grounds of its own operating system based on the Linux platform – (processor module specification: 2 core ARM processor, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB eMMC). As we have our own operating system, we can develop almost any functionality we need for the controller, so we have currently supported the majority of most widely used protocols at the application level.
Communication with the server works via LAN, wifi or mobile connection (redundancy is also made). There are 2 mobile modules, namely 2G-GPRS and 4G (LTE NB-IOT). Communication is carried out via highly secure symmetric and asymmetric data encryption using a 2048 or 4096-bit encryption key. Data on the controller’s eMMC disk is encrypted in a way, that data and keys cannot be stolen, even in the case of physical access to the controller and chips.
Electrical communication level: RS232, RS485, M-bus, DALI, USB, ETH.
Programme communication levels: Modbus, M-bus, DALI, IEC 62056, BACbet, Z-wave, Optolink.
Electrical signal level: Relay output ≤9, Digital outputs ≤17, Digital inputs up to 12-24V ≤17, Digital inputs up to 12 V, 24 V and 220 V (via optical isolator) ≤17, Analog outputs or inputs 0-10 V or 4-20 mA <9, PT100 and PT1000 <9.
Advantages: Forms the basis for a smart city or smart building platform, as the controller is modularly designed and enables the connection of any number of added sensors and signals for processing and connection to the web system.
Our own development of solutions and key equipment allows us high flexibility in adapting to customer’s needs and desires, as we are not limited to technologies, protocols or solutions of an individual provider or manufacturer.
The core of our solutions represents our own developed and patented modular controller AMIHUB and the software part of solutions.